Le nostre spiagge
Our beaches
Nella nostra area troverete tre splendide spiagge di sabbia facilmente accessibili (Su Calighe, Capiteddu, Sos Furraghes) e una di ciottoli e sabbia (S’Abba Druche) nelle cui vicinanze sfocia l’omonimo fiumiciattolo naturale di montagna. Inoltre l’area regala splendide rocce e scogli naturali per gli amanti della pesca subacquea.
In our area you will find three beautiful easily accessible sandy beaches (Su Calighe, Capiteddu, Sos Furraghes) and one of pebbles and sand (S'Abba Druche) in whose vicinity flows the homonymous natural mountain stream. The area also offers beautiful cliffs and rocks for underwater fishing lovers.
In our area you will find three beautiful easily accessible sandy beaches (Su Calighe, Capiteddu, Sos Furraghes) and one of pebbles and sand (S'Abba Druche) in whose vicinity flows the homonymous natural mountain stream. The area also offers beautiful cliffs and rocks for underwater fishing lovers.
photo (c) S'Abba Druche Spiagge